Nel Segno del Tricolore (2013)
51’ | @2013
In the Sign of the Tricolour. Italians and Hungarians in the Risorgimento
Documentary Film
1848 in Europe is the year of revolutions against the great monarchies and empires. It all starts with the January Palermo Revolution and on the other side of Europe, in Hungary, dominated by the Hapsburg Empire, the Pest revolution broke out on March 15th. The parallelism between the two ideologues of independence such as Lajos Kossuth in Hungary and Giuseppe Mazzini in Italy is the heart of the film. Even the two poetic figures like Sandor Petofi and Goffredo Mameli are similar. This brotherhood has also been alive in the military field. In Italy, many Hungarians have helped Giuseppe Garibaldi to capture Italy from the Marsala landing, while in Hungary, Alessandro Monti, with thousands of Italian soldiers, fights in Transylvania to help the Hungarian brothers against Austria. The film tells the story of two young men, an Italian girl and a young Hungarian who, for study reasons, go to look for documents on the period 1848-1860 between Italy and Hungary. Among them a brotherhood is born as a symbol of the brotherhood of the peoples who seek freedom.